It's never too late to add some final touches to your Halloween decor.
- Hang some spooky bats as a welcome for Halloween party guests. Turn your home into a bat cave using just black paper.
- Helium-filled jack-o'-lantern balloons can easily fly inside the home. You can just draw on inflated balloons with a permanent marker. Choose designs that are easy to create freehand.
- Temporary tattoos turn pumpkins into Halloween decor without carving. They last longer than the average jack-o’-lantern. Pick insect-inspired designs for extra creep factor.
- If you have a bunch of black and orange construction paper on hand you can cut out various Halloween things, like black cats, pumpkins, witches, and moons, and tape them on your doors or windows.
- LED lights and candles are great for adding an eerie glow to some of your easy-to-make Halloween decorations instead of placing real fire candles inside.
And don’t forget about X-Protector Felt Pads for protection of your floor! Without them, Halloween will finish, but scratches will stay with you :)