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Carpet Sliders

Carpet Sliders

Importance of our carpet sliders.

X-Protector Carpet Sliders are the best solution for you to save your time & energy while you move the furniture on your carpets.

Does it seem impossible for you to move something on the carpet and leave the carpet in perfect condition? If yes, then our furniture moving pads will change your mind! X-Protector furniture sliders will help you to move even the heaviest things around your home without any damage to your floor. 

Our furniture moving discs can be used with any furniture you have at home and moreover, they can be reused many times, so you don’t need to rebuy them for a long time. The perfect sizes of our furniture floor protectors will allow you to put them on the furniture legs easily. You don’t need to worry about the materials from which X-Protector furniture sliders for carpets are made - our products are always made from premium materials which will serve you for a long time!

Save your carpets from damages and yourself from wasting time and energy while moving the furniture - order X-Protector Carpet Sliders.