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Natural Light in the Home

Best Seller Felt Furniture Sliders Hardwood Floors X

Natural light is an essential component of interior design. It’s a significant element to play with, especially if the interiors comprise smaller spaces. Because of the lack of natural light, a larger space can also feel small.

Transitional spaces are spaces between inside and outside environments. If you have transitional spaces, such as balconies or terraces, in your home, there is nothing like it. These areas are the way to create a doorway for outside light flow.

Mirrors are an excellent way to improve the natural light flow in your home. The reflective capabilities of mirrors amplify the natural light from the outside. Add a mirror opposite a window and see how the number of light doubles in the room. Reflections also make the room look larger.

Furniture and home decor can block windows and doors. This often causes a blockage in the amount of light flowing in. Try keeping low-height furniture – preferably as low as the edge of the window. This will help to amplify the amount of light that flows in.

The floor is one of the largest surface areas of the home’s interior. It plays a massive role in making the room look large or small. Floors also reflect light. Make sure to use light colors for the floor to create reflective surfaces.

And don’t forget to use our X-Protector Felt Pads to protect your floor under all furniture!

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